31 July 2014

Recycling glory!

A few months back my dog had this thing for protesting while I was gone and she used to jump into my bed and tear apart basically everything in it. So my bedding sheets looked like .. well, a dog had had some fun with them.

Finally, I decided not to throw them away but to recycle them into something new!

Half of the sheet already ripped to shreds. 

 It's small, but it's a start. I think I started out with five stitches.

 More alpaca!

I actually made this for my bras, but didn't really feel like posting them on the internet. For some reason.

Mom's alpacas!

To be honest, the animals arent actually my mother's. I hope. But she sent me loads of alpaca yarn from Peru and I really had no idea what to do with them. This is what I came up with, for starters.

 I AM happy with the result, even though it may not look like I'm smiling.

I thought this would take way more yarn, but I only got rid of the grey one.

I used 5 mm needles, could've been maybe a bit thicker. We can try again, there's always more where that came from!

Quite nice colors for autumn, don't you think?

Song of the day: Atomirotta - Aurinkoon

Poorly packed luggage.

So, I was given a hint to start blogging in English as well, even though I've been pretty lazy at posting to my previous blog. Let's give this a try then!

So, I left for a trip for about two weeks and at some point I realized that I'd packed maybe two shirts with me. No idea what's been going through my mind at home. Most likely .. nothing.

I really had no choice but to walk to the nearest yarn shop and start knitting. Not that you'd actually need any clothing in this weather. Phew!

Aaaaaaand it's done! Just a basic free-knitted shirt really. 

The yarn, Novita Miami, has a really nice feeling to it. I kind of like this! What should I do with the leftovers?